​​​​​​​We are currently talking to local and online retailers to bring special discounts to our club members.
As always, if you need any advice or guidance regarding buying new and used camera equipment, or related items such as printers, papers, SD cards etc., please feel free to bring this up at the next club meeting or zoom night. If you cannot wait until then, don't forget about our Facebook and WhatsApp groups, where you will get an immediate response.
DS Colour Labs
DSCL are an online printing company, where many professional and amateur photographers go to for high quality prints.
Used, and highly recommended by several of our members, DSCL offer a great service with excellent prices, that make them a viable alternative to owning your own photo printer.
MPB are an excellent and very trusted online retailer who buy and sell used camera equipment. 
Many of our members have used them as they give excellent prices when they are buying from you, often close to what you would get on eBay, and their used prices for buying are very reasonable too.
Very reliable service, with good guarantees on used equipment. Definitely worth checking out if you are looking to buy, sell or trade camera gear in the future.